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Our aim

To promote high standards of service within the fibreoptic industry and to represent its member's at a national and international level. These are achieved by:

  • providing specialist information and support services to our membership
  • providing a “shop-window” for our members products and services.

Our members

The membership profile of the FIA comprises manufacturers, suppliers, installers and users. Membership status depends upon members activity and geographical location. Membership fees depend both upon category of membership and turnover.

How is the FIA run?

Managed in the UK by our secretariat, the association is governed by the FIA Council, a panel of elected members and, when required, co-opted industry experts. 

The Fibreoptic Industry Association Limited was inaugurated in February, 1990, and has the legal status of a Company Limited by Guarantee.

It has its own Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association and we've made them available here on our website to help others looking to establish similar organisations around the world.

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